I look forward to seeing you at one of the lectures this summer across Southern Germany:
12 July 2022: Tübingen
A lecture about the assassination of Matthias Erzberger in the summer of 1921 which was one of the first prominent victims of increasing tensions and political violence after the First World War. His assassination unleashed a wave a violence that put the stability of the new German republic to a test. What can we learn from polarisation and radicalisation for today’s societies? In German. In collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
19:00. Stadtmuseum Tübingen, Kornhausstraße 10. Details and reservation
13 July 2022: Ulm
A lecture about the assassination of Matthias Erzberger in the summer of 1921 which was one of the first prominent victims of increasing tensions and political violence after the First World War. His assassination unleashed a wave a violence that put the stability of the new German republic to a test. What can we learn from polarisation and radicalisation for today’s societies? In German. In collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
19:00. Einstein-Haus Ulm, Kornhausplatz 5. Details (no reservation required)
14 July 2022: Stuttgart
Democracy in the crosshairs: Hate, hate speech and violence – a modern phenomenon? Political violence from the assassination of Matthias Erzberger in 1921 to Walter Lübcke in 2019. In conversation with Birgül Akpinar (security and integration expert, board member of the CDU Baden-Württemberg, and chair of the CDU network on integration). Moderated by Diana Hörger (SWR). In German. In collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
19:00. Treffpunkt Rotebühlplatz Stuttgart. Rotebühlplatz 8. Details and reservation