Im Namen der Völker is an acclaimed narrative of the history, the idea and the working of the International Criminal Court.

Published by
edition Körber Stiftung (2016)
232 pages
ISBN: 978-3-89684-192-6
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“In the Name of the People” explores the idea of using law to achieve peace and justice, and how it is put into practice at the International Criminal Court (ICC).
“In the Name of the People: The Long Struggle of the International Criminal Court” is a critical portrait of the ICC and highlights the gap between the ambitions of a global court and the realities it faces in a world of power-driven politics.
The book traces the history of the idea, from the Nuremberg Trials to the modern system of international law, and its contribution to peace.
»An easy-to-understand book with many details of the daily work of the court« (Stuttgarter Zeitung)
Reviews and interviews
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger, “Im Namen der Völker”
(18 Jan. 2018)
Südwind, “Der Idealismus ist verfolgen”
(18 Jul. 2017)
Katholische Nachrichtenagentur KNA, “Suche nach Recht und Gerechtigkeit”
(1 Jul. 2017)
Welt-sichten, “Ein unumkehrbarer Kampf”
(13 Jun. 2017)
SWR1 Leute mit Benjamin Dürr
(9 Jan. 2017)
NDR Info, Das politische Buch
(5 Jan. 2017)
RBB Inforadio, “Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof in der Krise”
(10 Dec. 2016)
Telepolis, “‘Es werden zweierlei Maßstäbe angelegt, wenn es um die Mächtigen geht'”
(29 Nov. 2016)
WDR5, Politikum
(22 Nov. 2016)
Socialnet Rezensionen, ISSN 2190-9245
(28 Oct. 2016)